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You don't know ADOOGLE? Then you're a rich kid or you still don't know adoogle. But wait even if your a RK it's okay to use.
"Adoogle is a mini search engine on messenger accessible even on FREE DATA. Mag message at magtanong lamang sa page na ito."
"Adoogle is a mini search engine on messenger accessible even on FREE DATA. Just message and ask for something on to this page."
For those who have no Internet Connection, this is your solution if you have something to search.It is very handy for it only uses Free Data using the Messenger app by Facebook. How? But Let me Explain it First, It is Developed, Funded and maintained by a Fellow Filipino Programmer,Developer and a happy boyfriend, Adones Pitogo -this is name what in the Messenger bot written his Gmail account. This Messenger bot Adoogle get information on the popular Search Engine "Google" and gives this information via replying on FB Messenger. All platforms IOS,Android and Desktop as long as it is Messenger.
Now how? Did you read the above paragraph? Is is a mini search engine that retrieve information on the most popular search engine in the world "GOOGLE" and provide it to the user who want to search. Just chat Adoogle and wait for the results. Like "Shape of you Lyrics", Anime Photos, Images etc. Just like searching on Google. You want to stop? Then Hit the Like Button to stop. As Simple as that then you have what you want.
For the first release of Adoogle, this is free all is free, although you can't download big files just documents like PDF, Word and PowerPoint Presentations etc. or play youtube videos for it is only Limited, "VERY TIGHT BUDGET". It is very very usefull for us when you have no connection or you are in no connection zone but free data is only available,this is your savior. The Developer please its users to donate but in one of his post/comment on his page "I can't even buy food for the donation that people give to me". Well this is very sad considering that his work very UNIQUE ,usefull and very very USEFULL , and very helpful for the people, specially for the people of the Philippines that almost have no own internet connection, relying only on Facebook free data to stay connected to the people he/she love.
Now the Developer is very hardworking, but hardwork is not enough for Adoogle to stay running.This needs Hardwork, patience, many time, and of course MONEY for The maintenance of the server and Internet Bandwidth. Because of the very little donation given by its users, the developer had an idea, via points. Adoodgle can be access via points from the first release on points, everyday users have given free 10 consumable points without expiration.Currently, Adoogle gives you results of three kinds: Wikipedia webpage screenshots, images, or lyrics to a songs. Each search request has corresponding points – 3 points for wiki webpages, 2 points for photos, and 1 point for lyrics. Once consumed, you can avail of promos by subscribing to Adoogle by texting “info” to 21585107 using your Globe/Tm phone but also you can chat the Adoogel on Messenger by typing "Adoogle promo" without quote. Upon subscribing, the user can opt to avail of 50 search points for a PHP 1 or 175 points for PHP 3.
But now Adoogle will not give more free points here read on his post below
Here we can read that for reason he made it for his girlfriend (OH Sweet :D). But recently he taught why not use it to help people? Then Adoogle is BORN! We have to thanks his Gf for this. But more importantly he is a legend!
All you need to know in on the Adoogle Facebook Page Here.
Now if you want to support him a single peso will not suffice. Please Donate him, the Adoogle if you are satisfied on his hardworks! PLEASE SHARE PEOPLE!
The Developer is now developing a Website for Adgoogle.
Please Help Support for the Developer of Adoogle by Donating him. A 50 Peso will suffice.
NOTE: We do not own any Iamges,Photos, Pictures by this article, all Credits goes to ADOOGLE.